Diktstafett - Ekslusivt for nett

Arguments diktstafett #9

Niende deltaker av Arguments diktstafett er forfatter og kunstner, Anja Høvik Strømsted. Hun sender stafettpinnen videre til Kristin Berget.


Bravo Brainaway

[highlight]Andras Sux[/highlight]


bravo brainaway bomben vil spre seg som sykdom i hjernen ikke soppsky ikke krater men hello wake the fuck up die the fuck away fuck your brain up bravo brainaway bomben spiser hjernen opp nitti dager senere og ha det hjernen hello zombie du er passé wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot hello normal person du er passé bravo brainaway bomben vil spre seg fra hjerne til hjerne fra vest europa til afrika og midt østen til øst europa og asia hello resten wake the fuck up take your lives lot fuck the way up hello fra radio hello fra skjermene wake the fuck up fuck away lot eat your life up wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake the fuck up fuck the way up eat away lot get the brain out wake the fuck up fuck away lot wake the fuck up fuck away lot eat your life up wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake wake the fuck up fuck the way up get the brain out fuck your life up wake the fuck up fuck away lot eat your life up wake wake the fuck up fuck away lot eat your life up wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake the fuck fuck up fuck the way lot get the brain out fuck your brain away wake the fuck up fuck the way up eat away lot wake the fuck up fuck away lot eat your life up wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake the fuck up fuck the way up eat away lot get the brain out wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake the fuck up fuck the way up eat away lot get the brain out away life wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake the fuck up fuck the way up eat away lot get the brainfuck wake the fuck up fuck away lot eat your life up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake the fuck up fuck the way up eat away lot get the brain out wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake the fuck up fuck the way up eat away lot fuck your life up wake the fuck up die the fuck away eat your brain up fuck away lot wake your life up get away life wake the fuck up die the fuc


Andras Sux: http://alexsux.com