Artikler - English - Hjem - Kultur

Home at every stage

by Katie Maehl

Pictures by Sanna Lagesen Fenheim


What’s hard about this age

is finding home at every stage


I will never be completely at home again,

because parts of my heart

will always be elsewhere.


The price to pay

for the richness of loving and knowing people

and more places.

I noticed home today

in the amount of conditioner left in the bottle on my shower’s ledge.

I won’t need to refill it,

I’ll be gone soon anyways.

I noticed

from the scent of the sweet rain today

that I wish I could kidnap and seal it in a jar

to take with me

whenever I want to go home.


And I noticed today

that the people softest to me

they all shared,

“I write.”

It’s how I know they’re free.

I want to be like my grandma

and her daughters

but also, me.


I guess I notice

home in many places

but mostly people

and the trees interlaced;

that feels like home to me too.


Katie Maehl (f. 2001) studerer psykologi.